

ICW has proven that a relatively small investment in networks of women living with HIV pays double dividends in achieving an effective rights-based HIV response.

DONATE NOW – Via Paypal

DONATE NOW – Via Pesapal

Every dollar counts. Make a donation and be recognized for your support at the following levels:

  • up to $100 – Community Leader
  • $101–$250 – Movement Builder
  • $251–$500 – Sustaining Sister
  • $501–$1000 – Network Strengthener
  • $1000+ – Advocates Circle

Powerful Advocacy – fueled by you!

We continue to build on ICW’s 25-year legacy of powerful advocacy by women living with HIV. This year we seek to raise $100,000 USD before the end of 2016 to help us meet critical funding needs and continue to deliver powerful advocacy with impact.

Which is where your help can make all the difference. Your investment in the success of the network at this crucial time will amplify our impact and improve the lives of women and girls living with HIV.

With thanks

Rebecca's signature

Rebecca Matheson
Global Director


See also

  • Press Releases

    Find the press releases from ICW here.

  • Current Campaigns

    Find out all the campaigns ICW are running now.

