Research | ICW | International Community of Women living with HIV


Building A Safe House On Firm Ground

tag HIV, Reproductive Health, Rights, Women

Released date: 01-Dec-2014

Salamander Trust (2014). Building a safe house on firm ground: key findings from a global values and preferences survey regarding the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV. WHO, Geneva.

Building A Safe House On Firm Ground Building A Safe House On Firm Ground (3225 KB)

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Recommendations from consultations with PLWHIV on the IATT’s Strategic Framework for PMTCT

tag Family, Maternal Health, Reproductive Health, Women

Released date: 08-Apr-2011

Quality Of Family Planning Services And Integration In The Prevention Of Vertical Transmission Context

tag HIV, Reproductive Health, Rights, Women

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Experiences of Emotional Abuse Among Women Living With HIV and AIDS in Malawi

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See also

  • History

    Established in 1992 by women living with HIV in response to the consistent silencing and marginalizing of the concerns
    of women living with HIV.

  • Today

    Today, over 20 years later, ICW continues to be the only network run by and for women living with HIV. We work in 120 countries,
    through 10 regional networks.
