Women under 30

Chapter for Young Women, Adolescents and Girls


In the global HIV movement, there are few spaces at decision making levels for young women, adolescents, and girls. This is not because there is a lack of us; it is because there has been little interest from existing leaders to include us in the response. Without including our voices on the issues that we experience we will never get the types of programs and support that we need.

In the last year, ICW Global has been laying the ground work to develop a Chapter for Young Women, Adolescents and Girls – we call it CYWAG for short. With this chapter we are hoping to encourage youth to join and be part of the movement.

Currently we are working on getting the word out there, and looking for others to join our team, by writing articles, sharing stories, sending art images and telling us about what really matters to you in your region concerning HIV.  The more we speak out about our diverse realities, the more the world will listen.

For more information contact: [email protected]
