Strategic Plan
Strategy 1: We will educate and equip women living with HIV with skills and tools to improve policies that affect our health and wellbeing
The goals of ICW NA are closely linked to the broader goals outlined in the global strategy of ICW. These goals include: creating space
and spaces for women to tell their stories and share their experiences; increasing the active engagement of existing ICW members, with
a focus on attracting young women; and implementing effective campaigns that reflect our issues. Guided by a commitment to principles
of social justice, we work to secure the human rights of women living with HIV and their families, and to hold governments and institutions
to account.
Strategy 2: We will strengthen and grow the capacity of ICW NA to mount an equitable and effective response to the HIV epidemic
We recognize that in order to achieve our goals in Canada and the United States, and as part of the ICW global network, ICW NA must continue to grow and develop its governance and operational capacity in order to be a strong voice for the issues affecting women living with HIV. We have listened to the many members who told us that organizational weakness, related to recent restructuring, must be overcome in order to ensure our voice remains strong and our collective issues are heard and acted upon.
Strategy 3: We will ensure the sustainability and future growth of ICW NA through diversified funding
We recognize the limitations placed on our ability to grow as an organization and are mindful of the need to reduce our reliance on a sole funder. During our environmental scan, members and other stakeholders mentioned this as the most significant threat to future growth. The ability of ICW NA to seek other sources of funding will be enhanced by achieving charitable status as expected in 2016. We will then be well placed to look for additional funding.
Download ICWNA Strategic Plan 2016–2019 (1242 KB)
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