Press Releases

ICW Stands in Solidarity of the Kenyan Sex Workers Alliance Letter to the President of Kenya
Released date: 14-Oct-2015
The International Community of Women living with HIV (ICW) sends their condolences to the families, friends and loved ones of the six murdered sex workers
in Kenya, respectively the four in Nakuru, one in Kisii, and one in Nanyuki. We stand in solidarity with the Kenyan Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA).
Please see the letter below and support the mothers, sisters, friends and lovers that wrote this for their and our community. Violence against one of us
is violence against all of us.
Dear Mr. President
Please note; I am not hiding my face but the mask I wear is a symbol of how the society has chosen to view me; hidden behind the veil; not seen, not recognized;
somewhere forgotten.
We as the sex workers community are saddened by the brutal killings of our community members. It is estimated that at least forty sex workers are murdered
every month across the country. In a span of seven days, six sex workers have been murdered; four in Nakuru, one in Kisii and one in Nanyuki. Mr. President,
these are mothers, sisters, daughters who are responsible for their families. Indeed, their children have been left without someone to take care of
them; it is possible that their future may never be the same again.
This letter is loud cry for help from your esteemed office; we have looked everywhere for help that seems distant while the death toll continue to increase;
our eyes have settled on you as our help to end these senseless killings;
In summary, our beloved president we request the following;
- Right to be free from violence
- Right to be protected by the law
- Those behind these killings be arrested and face the full force of law
- As sex workers be respected as human beings and citizens of this country
Mr. President, if you look at me, you will realize that I have worn a mask; you may wonder why?
Above everything, Mr. President allow me to remind you that I am a Kenyan citizen with a Kenyan ID, a registered voter who has voted leaders in to public
offices; I was convinenced that with those that I voted into office that I shall no longer be subjected to this violence; I am utterly disappointed;
Protect us, fight for us, help us; we need you now more than ever to save lives before it is too late.
Yours faithfully;
The Kenya Sex Workers Community