Do You See HIV? More Than Our Status.

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY: Young people call on parents/guardians, leaders and partners to end the stigma faced by adolescents and young girls living with HIV when accessing SRHR services.
The new development agenda is a global achievement and victory for women and girls living with HIV.

The International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) celebrates the agreement reached by 193 governments on a historical new sustainable development agenda to be carried out over the next 15 years. The agenda will be formally adopted at the UN General Assembly in September and includes many significant victories for women and girls living with HIV. ICW has been actively engaging in and monitoring the Post-2015 processes, working to ensure that the needs of women and girls living with HIV are represented in the agenda.
This World Breastfeeding Week ICW Launches Policy Brief on Women Living with HIV and Breastfeeding: Mixed Messages

The International community of women living with HIV (ICW) joins the world in commemorating World breastfeeding week and asks policy makers and programmers to make breastfeeding work for women living with HIV. ICW today launches ‘WOMEN LIVING WITH HIV AND BREASTFEEDING; MIXED MESSAGES.
UNAIDS wants to hear from us

This is the second and final UNAIDS-hosted virtual consultation to develop the UNAIDS 2016-2021 strategy. Have your voices heard.
ICW joins in solidarity at the mention of the case in Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Women Living with HIV in Kenya

Stop Forced and Coerced Sterilization of Women Living with HIV in Kenya!
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