ICW | International Community of Women living with HIV


Despite the fact that there are over 20 million women living with HIV worldwide, we are still disenfranchised when it comes to HIV solutions, and we still see plenty of chances where women with HIV are either underrepresented or not represented at all. In order to have our concerns heard, recognized, and addressed, women have had to fight constantly.

We frequently bring up the fact that our lived experiences differ greatly from those of men living with HIV in many ways, necessitating new ways of thinking and coming up with fresh approaches to the myriad problems we face.

We also understand that women living with HIV are not a homogeneous group and that the problems faced by migratory women with HIV are different from those faced by transgender women or by middle-class women in the developed world. Lesbians living with HIV face distinct fertility and sexual challenges than HIV-positive heterosexual people do. Our population is diverse in terms of age, geography, the urban/rural divide, sexual orientation and gender identity, race, class, occupation, and mobility, thus solutions to our problems must be intelligent, nuanced, and diverse.

Sustainable Development Goals 2030

In September of 2015, after over a year of consultation with civil society organizations, citizens, scientists, academics, and the private sector, world leaders adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) featuring 169 sub-targets on a wide variety of important social, economic, and environmental priorities. Although the SDGs do not have a standalone goal on HIV, like the Millennium Development Goals did, it does include:

The stigma index is an ICW partnership with GNP+ and UNAIDS.
