Governance | ICW NA | International Community of Women living with HIV North America


Governance of ICW

International Steering Committee

Asia Pacific


Marama Mullen (New Zealand)

Global Chair

Central Africa

Process underway for new representation



Althea Cohen (Jamaica)

East Africa

Process underway for new representation

Europe and Central Asia

Olena Stryzak

Olena Stryzak (Ukraine)

Latin America

Hilda Esquivel

Hilda Esquivel (Mexico)

Middle East and North Africa

Souhaila Bensaid

Souhaila Bensaid (Tunisia)

North America

Process underway for new representation

Southern Africa

Process underway for new representation

West Africa

Process underway for new representation

See also

  • History

    Established in 1992 by women living with HIV in response to the consistent silencing and marginalizing of the concerns of women living with HIV.

  • Network of Regions

    We are a network of individual women living with HIV, but we have a shared, collective agenda and work collaboratively at the local, national, regional and global levels.

