Vision and Mission | ICW NA | International Community of Women living with HIV

Working with a local community consultant and ally living with HIV, ICW NA undertook the development of a new 3-year strategic plan during a recent face to face retreat held in Toronto, Canada, on the weekend of December 3, 2015. In preparation for the meeting, an environmental scan was conducted by online questionnaire sent to ICW NA members in the region, seeking input on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the current landscape. The survey was presented to some 50 members in attendance in Toronto and further comments were incorporated. This formed the basis for discussion and development of a new strategic plan led by current and new Board Members.


ICW NA envisions a world where all women living with HIV live free of gender oppression, realizing and claiming our full rights inclusive of sexual, reproductive, legal, social, economic and health rights.


ICW NA exists to lead efforts to secure and improve the quality of life for women living with HIV in Canada and the United States. We do this by mobilizing, organizing, advocating, mentoring and raising consciousness on the issues and policies that directly impact our lives.

See also

  • History

    Established in 1992 by women living with HIV in response to the consistent silencing and marginalizing of the concerns of women living with HIV.

  • The Future

    The way forward.

